Friday, March 06, 2009


IQ与EQ。在现实的社会里,往往别人所注意到的,必定是IQ。聪明的肯定会被人赞赏,但勤劳的往往反而会被质疑是否是效率低。你有没有听说过呢?但我始终相信,即使你在聪明,如果没有正确的态度,你能走的,你能做的,你能拥有的,还是很有限的。今天有两位实习不久的同事在讨论如何解决遇到的问题。一位同事提议问在当场的我,但另一位却不耐烦地说:"不需要问我,因为我也不会"。一口咬定我不会。我是笨了些,但我吃盐也比他们久吧。。最终我解答了他们的问题。那么自大。至少如果我不会,我会不耻下问。我会寻找答案。笑我没本事吗?笑我比你差吗?世事无绝对, 还是别笑地太早。


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi Me again! i agree what we need is not merely IQ. somehow it is like the situation u choose a partner in life. Merely outlook is not enouugh for the someone to stay along with you. it all depends on both. first sight may b outlook, as what u say ppl looking for IQ. but sooner later the inner side are the determination steps for further journey of both partner, this is to analog the success in one's life. do u understand my analogy?
By the way, this is the feeling felt by most of the girl with normal outlook. that is why i say i never believe in firstsight love, coz it will not last. so i think my title for this comment is beauty of inner vs outlook.

anthony said...

lol..not u la..actually nothin one la...i won remember this incident also before long..even if im laughed at...i wil try not to look down on myself...jus that i cant understand y ppl don understand about the phrase 'respect is earned'. ppl won respect u simply coz ur smart...but ppl will be if ur both smart and humble...i so respect my frens that have both qualities:)but then again mos ppl won realise this..the importance of being

anthony said...

ya, i do agree with ur theory bout girls...but since i got both the looks and the inner part...then im saved

reddaisie said...

hey ant..
wah...write in chinese..i had to struggle my way thru leh..
why u kena laughed at ar??
those ppl really bad leh..laugh at u...
I'm not like that leh...i NEVER laugh at u one..

wakkakaka..rolls on the floor..

just kidding la..
come kacau ur blog...wei..cepat-cepat make up ur mind and tell me the good news la..
sorry la..this time i can't be baking burnt cakes and making inedible cookies for 'ur fren'...or rather 'frensssss' as u claim...

okla...come kacau u next time...bubye!!!

wendy said...


Unknown said...
